Nominations are now open for the position of
District Governor Nominee Designate (DGND)
to fill the role of District Governor for District 9705 in 2026 - 2027.
We are looking to appoint the District Governor of District 9705 for year 2026-27. The District Governor will be assisted by a District Board and Leadership Team of skilled, experienced and dedicated Rotarians and Rotaractors.
Click HERE for nomination form.
Duties of the District Governor
The duties of the DG are outlined in RI Bylaw 16.030:
The governor is the officer of RI in the district, functioning under the general control and supervision of the RI board. The governor shall inspire and motivate the clubs in the district. The governor shall ensure continuity within the district by working with past, current, and incoming district leaders. The governor is responsible for:
(a) organizing new clubs;
(b) strengthening existing clubs;
(c) promoting membership growth;
(d) working with district and club leaders to encourage participation in a district leadership plan as developed by the board;
(e) furthering the Object of Rotary by providing leadership and supervision of the clubs in the district;
(f) supporting TRF; (The Rotary Foundation)
(g) promoting cordial relations among the Rotary clubs and Rotaract clubs and RI;
(h) planning for and presiding at the district conference and assisting the governor elect in planning and preparing the PETS and the district training assembly;
(i) conducting an official visit to each club, individually or in multi-club meetings, that maximizes the governor’s presence to:
1. focus attention on important Rotary issues;
2. provide special attention to weak and struggling clubs;
3. motivate Rotarians to participate in service activities;
4. ensure that the club constitution and bylaws comply with the constitutional documents, especially following councils on legislation; and
5. personally recognize the outstanding contributions of Rotarians in the district;
(j) issuing a monthly communication to each club;
(k) reporting promptly to RI as required by the president or the board;
(l) providing the governor-elect, before the international assembly, full information about the condition of clubs and recommended action to strengthen them;
(m) assuring that district nominations and elections comply with the constitutional documents and RI’s established policies;
(n) inquiring regularly about the activities of Rotarian organizations in the district;
(o) transferring district files to the governor-elect; and
(p) performing any other duties as are inherent of an RI officer.
Applicants for the role of District Governor in 2026-27 are advised that the responsibilities at that time will be different to the current District Governor role as defined by Rotary International in the RI Bylaws Article 16.030. The exact scope of the Governor’s responsibilities to be transferred to the new Regional Council over the Regionalisation Pilot period is still being determined.
Notwithstanding sub-section (i) of the Duties of the District Governor/ Job Description above, the District Governor will not be required to officially visit every club in the District. It is anticipated the DG will visit groups of clubs and attend events, as agreed with the clubs.
NB: RI funding for the DG's office in the District will be based on the number of clubs and Rotarians/ Rotaractors in the District but may be affected by Zone 8 Regional pilot implications.
Eligibility to Apply
A District Governor must have been a President of a Rotary club, be a Rotarian of good standing and have been in Rotary for at least seven years on the day of taking up office. Rotary International has determined that for this year’s selections, Past District Governors and current G-Train members are eligible to apply.
The person chosen to fill the role of District Governor 9705 for year 2026-27 will need to be experienced, enthusiastic, and a good leader. More precisely, nominees will need to demonstrate:
· Broad (not necessarily detailed) knowledge of the RI Manual of Procedure and Rotary Code of Policies
· Experience at a District level and some familiarity with the Zone and International structure
· Understanding of D9705, its clubs, culture and operations
· An ability to provide input into the implementation of the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot initiatives during 2024 to 2026
· The leadership required to bring together the best people and practices for the District
· Strong communications skills
· Knowledge and experience in change management and the ability to promulgate change successfully.
Applicants should have an understanding of the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot program which commences on 1st July 2024. Changes to the role of the District Governor are being piloted as part of the Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot. The pilot is scheduled to conclude in June 2026, following which there will be a review of the pilot outcomes, and further decisions will be made concerning the future role of the District Governor.
Nominations should be sent to District Secretary Jane Whitten
The closing date for nominations is Wednesday 20th March 2024
Interviews will be conducted on either Saturday 20th or Sunday 21st April at a time and method/venue to be advised.
Interviews will be conducted on either Saturday 20th or Sunday 21st April at a time and method/venue to be advised.
Nominations must
· Include the official RI DG Nomination Form (attached) signed by the applicant and club secretary and,
· Include a Rotary CV of no more than three pages.
I encourage all eligible Rotarians in the District to consider applying for this unique and important position. The successful applicant will be working through an exciting period of change for Rotary in Zone 8 and our District. As DGN then DGE in the coming two years you will work with District Leaders, Rotary Community Leaders, and the Zone 8 Regional Council to assist the implementation of progressive changes from the Regional Pilot initiatives.
Potential applicants can contact DG Andrea if you have questions.
Andrea Grosvenor (she/her)
Governor 2023-24
Rotary District 9705
Ph: 0408 435 483
Governor 2023-24
Rotary District 9705
Ph: 0408 435 483