Our District is taking steps to provide emergency relief for the many people affected by flooding in Central West NSW.
Our District is taking steps to provide emergency relief for the many people affected by flooding in Central West NSW.
The most affected people are in Area 1 of District 9705 (the most northern and western parts of the District) and mainly in and around the towns of Forbes, Eugowra and Condobolin at present.
The District is moving quickly to enable:
- The collection of donations via:
- RAWCS Project No: 32 2022-23 Central West New South Wales Communities Flood Relief funds distribution (Rotary Australia Benevolent Society RABS)
- To distribute donated funds to people affected by the floods in Central West New South Wales communities
- Donations to this project are tax deductible and are for distribution specifically to the Central West New South Wales region.
- To donate to this fund, log into https://rawcs.org.au/donate/cl
ick on Donate to a specific project and follow the prompts
- GIVIT Storms and Flood Appeal.
- Donations to this project are tax deductible and if you nominate where you want the funds to go to such as a town or community in Central West New South Wales, that will happen.
- To donate to this fund, log into https://www.givit.org.au/
donate-funds and follow the prompts. Be sure to include in the comments block where you want the funds to go. - All funds donated go to the project nominated – there are no administration fees – unless you wish to give a donation direct to Givit.
- Provision of emergency cash vouchers via Rotarians in Forbes and nearby towns
- Operation of Community Hubs for donations of goods such as clothing, white goods, furniture etc
- Provision of other needs such as emergency accommodation
The District 9705 Emergency Relief Coordinator is Tony Maple. Please contact Tony via the District Directory.
The Community Hub Coordinator is the Area Governor for Area 1 Graham Parker. He is working with Resilience NSW and the NSW SES.
Please do not contact Graham until further advice is provided.
We will soon advise you as to what is needed, where to send donated items, and where and when the Community Hubs will open.
THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO NOW IS TO DONATE FUNDS. These will be converted to relief vouchers and issued by the Rotary Clubs of Forbes and nearby towns.
All assistance is vital – many have lost their homes, businesses etc and will take years to recover from this devastation.
It is likely volunteers will be sought to assist with the operation of the Community Hubs. If you can provide a day or a week’s assistance, your support will help many people in need. More details will follow as plans firm up and information becomes available and thank you for your support.