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Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species (RAGES)

The Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species, RAGES, has been formed to mobilize Rotarians and provide global awareness and focused ACTION in the continuing struggle to preserve and protect endangered species. RAGES will initially focus on the rhinos, elephants, mountain gorillas and chimpanzees in Africa, where poaching is a danger not only to these rare animals, but also to the economic survival of the indigenous people with whom they share the habitat. RAGES has been recognized by the Board of Directors of Rotary International.
RAGES will work with Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, via her global youth programme Roots & Shoots initially involving a project with Roots & Shoots in Kenya. RAGES aims to improve the lives of those directly affected by the problems facing wildlife and to bring lasting change to some of the world’s most vulnerable species.
Dr. Goodall agreed to become the Patron of RAGES at a recent meeting with its Chairman, John Glassford in Australia. Dr. Jane Goodall, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace said, “The partnership between Roots & Shoots and the Rotarian Action Group for Endangered Species (RAGES) is a timely one that will help raise awareness of the plight of so many endangered animals and the human community, their neighbours.” Dr. Goodall went onto say “I have followed the work of Rotary International for many years and many local Rotary clubs work locally with Roots & Shoots groups in their neighbourhood around the world. I was also involved in the very successful Rotary campaign to eliminate polio from the planet.”
John Glassford, RAGES Founder and Chair, said, “I am extremely excited about this partnership with Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots starting with Roots & Shoots in Kenya. We are committed to support work on the ground, through vocational training, economic and community development and basic literacy.
Local community service projects are focused on saving endangered species and will be matched to local Rotary and Rotaract Clubs through the RAGES Project Match system. By working with the JGI’s Roots & Shoots programmes we have a symmetry of purpose and function. This augers well for the future and together we can create a positive change to the survival of these iconic species under threat today.”
Roots & Shoots is a global, humanitarian and environmental programme for young people of all ages that empowers them to become involved in hands on projects for the local community, for animals (including domestic animals) and for the environment we all share.
For further information on RAGES visit: www.endangeredrag.org
For further information on Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots visit: www.rootsandshoots.org and find your nearest Roots & Shoots group.
For further information on Dr. Jane Goodall and the work of the Jane Goodall Institute visit: www.janegoodall.org.
Contact RAGES Chair, John Glassford at 69276027 (h), 0412 116157 (m) or jacksflat@gmail.com