Objectives and Committee Chair
ACT Region Chair
Sandra Goldstraw (Ginninderra)
0438 426 680
Objectives to
  • Provide hope and restore dignity to transform a child’s life
  • Provide the best possible surgical and medical expertise
  • Engage Rotary and the community at all levels to fund and support the ROMAC cause
  • To maintain and improve the quality of the management process and ensure high quality governance of the ROMAC project
To make a donation:
Service and History
ROMAC is a program of the Rotary Districts of Australia and New Zealand to provide medical treatment for children from developing countries who have life threatening and/or complicated conditions that cannot be treated in their own country. As well as restoring dignity to the children, Australian surgeons and medical staff gain valuable experience in treating these severe cases that normally they would rarely see. No Australian child is disadvantaged and ROMAC adheres to strict immigration guidelines.
ROMAC is a program of the Rotary Districts of Australia and New Zealand.
1988: ROMAC commenced by an Australian Rotarian who, with a group of surgeons, visited Lambasa in Fiji. They found the child mortality rate as high as 25% in some places. The lack of skills and medical and surgical facilities for children of the island nations in Oceania, was a major cause. 
ROMAC established five regions representing clubs in the west, east, south, north and centre of the country.
2004: New Zealand region was formally established and continues to treat the majority of heart cases at the Starship Children’s Hospital in Auckland.
2007: ACT region was established with the majority of the children at the Canberra Women & Children’s Hospital. 
2010: Memorandum of Understanding was established and renewed regularly between ROMAC and the ACT Government where up to 4 children can be treated each year with minimal cost to ROMAC. 
Calvary Private hospital has supported 3 of our ROMAC children.
Today ROMAC is providing surgical treatment to around 30 - 35 children from Oceania every year – we are making a huge difference in the lives of the children, their families and to Rotary’s international goodwill.
Sandra with Melenaite from Tonga
Krissy & Stancia from PNG
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